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Matching French and South African needs for cooperation in technological innovation



The aim of this website is to constitue a portal for enhancing cooperation in innovation between France and South Africa. This platform is multi-sectorial and will display patents in a commercialization process or industrial or start-up companies, academics looking for partners to adapt or co-develop a product or a service. 


This website will be updated on a regular basis based on what is identified or communicated and is not intended to be a comprehensive mapping of all the initiatives related to innovation in both countries. Many existing platforms are existing to showcase technologies looking for partners, they are available on the 'Existing Platforms' page.


This website is in partnership with SARIMA, the association of the professionals in Research and Innovation Management, NIPMO, the national patent office of South Africa and the Innovation Hub of the Gauteng province.

Innovations / technologies available for cooperation 


Updated on the 1st October 2015

This section contains technologies / innovations related to agriculture, crop sciences, seeds, plant biotechnology, animal farming...

Chemicals & Materials

Updated on the 1st October 2015

This section displays technologies / innovations related to chemicals manufacturing, catalysts, materials, nanomaterials, polymers...

Cosmetics & personal care

Updated on the 1st October 2015

This section contains technologies / innovation related to active ingredients, plants, devices...

Environment & water

Updated on the 1st October 2015

This section contains technologies / innovations related to water sanitation, water & wastewater treatment, AMD treatment, recycling...


Updated on the 1st October 2015

This section contains technologies / innovation related to renewable energies, syngas, biofuels, marine energies, solar, X to liquid, fuel cells, hydrogen production, power generation, control sytems...


Updated on the 1st October 2015

This section contains technologies / innovation related to predictive maintenance, gas emissions, processes

ICT & instrumentation

Updated on the 1st October 2015

This section contains technologies / innovations related to telecommunications, electronic components, software, laser...

Healthcare and medtech

Updated on the 1st October 2015

This section contains technologies / innovations related to drug delivery, pharmceuticals, medical devices, bioreactors, API production, prostesis, imaging...

Mining & resources

Updated on the 1st October 2015

This section contains technologies / innovations related to mining, ore detection, metallurgy...

Security and cybersecurity

Updated on the 1st October 2015

This section contains technologies / innovations related to homeland securiy, intervention techniques, prevention, cybersecurity


Updated on the 1st October 2015

This section contains technologies / innovations related to aircraft, rail, cars, electric mobility, public transportation...


Updated on the 1st October 2015

This section contains technologies / innovations related to education, tourism...


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